Is it safe to wear used shoes? (8 facts discovered)

Shoes remain one of the most important inventions, making life easier for humans and have grown through several transformations and innovations to this day.

In a time like this when people are buying shoes and clothes that are not new, questions need to be asked: “Is it safe to wear used shoes”?

If you are curious like me on the above question, it is time to do some digging. 

Let’s find out from this article.

Is it safe to wear used shoes?

Contrary to the assumptions of some people, it is safe to wear used shoes that you received either through buying, gifts from others or donations because the fear of getting an infection is almost zero, especially if the shoes are in good condition.

If you get a shoe that is in good condition and well-maintained by the previous owner, you have nothing to fear and you can wear it with the same guarantee that you will if you buy a new shoe.

Used shoes are sold for a reason and the majority of them are either used by the owner a few times or it was sold as used by the company as a result of consumer returns or the box has been opened.

In some cases, there is little difference between a used shoe in perfect condition and a brand-new one except for the huge price differences and how they smell.

Therefore, feel free to buy and use any well-maintained, used shoe without fear of infection or discomfort.

Why is wearing a used shoe safe?

There are several factors why wearing second-hand shoes is generally considered safe and they include:

  • Low chances of getting an infection.
  • Well-maintained Users buy only good quality.
  • Vetted by the sellers.
  • Feedback mechanism that prevents bad users.
  • Low risk of injuries.
  • Wash and disinfect before use.
  • Shape is in perfect condition.
  • Good for the people and environment.
  • Away from landfills and other unethical means.
  • Increase the lifespan of the buyer’s inspection.
  • Quality controls.
  • Top notched hygienic practices.
  • Safe storage.

Low chances of getting an infection.

One of the most important reasons why it is safe to wear used shoes is due to the minimal chance of getting an infection contrary to what many people assumed.

The probability of getting an infection as a result of buying and wearing used shoes is near zero because the bacteria that can be contracted from the shoes cannot survive dry, clean and well-kept shoes for more than two days.


Most used shoes that are on sale are well kept by their owners and the marketplaces where people go to buy from.

As a result of this quality maintenance, makes used shoes safer to wear and walk to wherever one wants to go.

Users buy only good quality.

Used shoes are safer for you to use because people only buy high-quality ones in the market.

Buyers always ensure that the used shoe they are buying is top-notch and in good condition and sellers are always looking out for ways to get quality for their customers to retain them and dominate the market.

Vetted by the sellers.

Sellers of used shoes or marketplaces where one can buy used shoes have out-in-place quality control and vetting processes to ensure only safe shoes are available for the consumers.

You will be safe to buy and instantly wear your used shoes immediately you buy them because they have already been verified and certified to be safe and good by the sellers.

Feedback mechanism that prevents bad users.

Another reason why it is safe to wear used shoes is the availability of a robust feedback mechanism to check shoes or sellers that don’t conform to the quality and safety standards of their customers.

Any seller who receives negative feedback from buyers will be punished according to rules governing his market and will lose future patronage and business expansion which can be bad for him or her.

Low risk of injuries.

When you buy used shoes, the probability of you getting injuries as a result of wearing one is like the probability of a camel passing through your coffee straw which is equal to impossible.

You are safe from injuries that occur as a result of breaking a new shoe because someone has already passed through it on your behalf.

You just choose, pay and wear your used shoes instantly without much difficulty.

Wash and disinfect before use.

Used shoes are safe to wear because generally they are washed,

disinfect and treat before a customer starts using them.

Many sellers and marketplaces ensure that the shoes are treated and cleaned thoroughly before a customer can be able to purchase them either online or in thrift stores.

Shape is in perfect condition.

When a used shoe is in perfect condition and the shape is not altered due to wear and tyre or due to the shoe being worn out, good for the people and environment.

Did you know that by wearing used shoes, you end up saving the environment and making life on Earth more meaningful?

Wearing used shoes is safer than you think because it not only helps your feet but also helps in extending human existence on this earth.

Wearing used shoes is safe because it would prevent them from landfills and other unethical means.

Increase shoe lifespan.

When you buy and wear a used shoe, you help in creating the lifetime of the shoes and help in repurposing them for better value-addition methods.

Buyers inspection.

Another factor that makes wearing used shoes safe is the ability of the buyer to expect the condition of the shoes thoroughly before deciding on buying or passing.

A user always ensures quality is top-notch, which prevents him from buying ones that are not safe.

Safe storage.

The place where used shoes are kept before selling is always in good condition.

The storage is clean, dry and safe for everyone to use, including toddlers.


It is therefore safe to buy, wear and style your used shoes because the fear of the shoes being not safe is false. Wear your used shoes because they are safe, comfortable, budget-friendly and easy.


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