Are Espadrilles good for walking? (10 things you should KNOW!)

Espadrilles are one of the most fascinating shoes globally with a loyal and dedicated group of people using it every single day. 

But to beginners and other people who haven’t experienced using espadrilles, one question remains unanswered. Are espadrilles good for walking?

This article will delve deeply into answering your question about whether espadrilles are good for walking or not.

Feel free to enjoy our step-by-step explanation of this issue.

Are espadrilles good for walking?

It has been proven beyond doubt that espadrilles are among the best shoes for walking for both young and old alike. It is a shoe that gives priority to your comfort, and style and is also lightweight, breathable, balanced and gives your feet the needed arch support to move anywhere you want easily without feeling any pressure or discomfort.

Espadrille shoes are also easy and stylish to wear because it is always following the latest fashion trends across the global fashion industry.

People using Espadrilles believe that it gives them additional peace of mind and boosts their confidence, transforms how they look and makes them appear respectable in both formal and casual events.

To understand more about why espadrilles are good for walking, let us deep dive into factors that you will find very helpful in helping you choose your next shoes to buy or wear.

Reasons why they are good for walking

The following are the reasons why espadrilles are good for walking to your desired destination. These reasons include:

  • Comfortable
  • Lightweight
  • Stylish
  • Arch support
  • Balanced
  • Breathable
  • Adaptable
  • Easy.
  • Not expensive


Espadrilles are a good choice to walk in because they are extremely comfortable on your feet.

The ability of the shoes to be worn for a long time without negatively affecting the person wearing it is a plus for the shoes because it will only increase the chances of recommending the shoes to other people and help in making walking short or long distances comfortable to the wearer, unlike many other shoes that can’t boast of a similar level of comfortability.

Therefore, if you aim to get a pair of those that will increase the chances of comfort to your feet while walking to your desired destination, choosing espadrilles will be the best for you.


Another factor that helps in making Espradilles the number one choice for walking short or long distances is their lightweight status.

Espadrilles are very lightweight on your feet which adds to the glamour and comfort because you will not become tired of them or even feel the weight of the shoes dragging you while walking.

As we all know, walking requires some sort of energy and determination that helps keeping us both healthy and fit but if we choose to use the wrong type of shoes for such activities, the process is going to be both challenging which will negatively affect our experience in the long run.

Therefore, picking a pair of espadrilles for your feet due to the lightweight component of the shoes will not only help you cover long distances with relative ease but will enhance your experience and reduce the level of exhaustion that you get in that journey.


People choose a shoe not only for the sake of it or just to safeguard their feet from harm and discomfort but as a result of how stylish the shoes are on their feet and how compatible it is with their dressing mode.

Moreover, Espadrilles are well known for their stylish nature due to the material used in producing them, the patterns, and trends as well as their seamless adjustments to different fashion styles on trend.

This ability to be stylish is one of the biggest reasons that help them to survive for long in the global footwear industry even after several other types have gone extinct because of their incompatibility with changing trends.

For this reason, stylish espadrilles will always triumph over other shoes from the buyers’ point of view because of the simple means of complementing their fashion desires.

Arch support.

Espadrilles helps make the user feel comfortable and relaxed as a result of the spectacular arch support it gives to the feet while walking.

Although the arch support of an Espadrilles differs based on the manufacturer, preference of the buyer as well and the need of the environment, Espadrilles have one of the most comfortable arch supports for shoes of similar categories that helps in making them a go-to choice for people across the world.

Walking for some minutes or hours whether as a tourist moving from one site to another, a Worker going to the office, a student walking on campus or an individual taking a casual walk around his neighbourhood, using espadrilles will not only make it easier due to availability of good arch support but will make it worth the money paid in purchasing them.


Another factor that made Espadrilles good for walking is due to the balanced design they come with for the benefit of the user.

Espadrilles are well balanced when you wear them on your feet which helps in preventing discomfort that is capable of making the owner regret buying the shoes in the first place.

Esoradilles are well balanced on all sides of the shoes which make your feet more comfortable on both smooth or rough terrains while walking.


To walk for long hours or to cover several kilometres on your feet requires you to have shoes that can make it easy for you due to certain distinct qualities it needs to have and the biggest among such qualities is the breathable nature of the materials used in producing it.

Espadrilles shoes are naturally made from breathable fabrics which helps in filtering out sweat and odour, giving air access to circulate into the shoe and preventing the chances of stickiness that can affect comfort during the walk.

The more air circulates into your shoe while walking the more the chances of you enjoying the walk which is the biggest advantage of Espradille shoes.


Did you know that Espadrilles are adaptable to the needs of your feet without you going the extra length to twerk them?

Espradilles easily adapt to the shape, and contours and fits the need of your feet through the availability of flexible materials that are malleable to the needs of individuals with no extra costs.


Espadrille shoes are very easy to put on and off your feet, easy to walk in for long and short distances as well as how easy it is to clean,  dry, change and modify.

An individual wearing Espadrilles will find it easier than a person wearing either Mary Jane, Ballet or any other shoes out there.

Not expensive.

Another factor going the way for Espadrilles shoes is the fact that the shoes are not expensive although they are comfortable, classy, and trendy as well as last for a long time before you will need to change them.

For a shoe that has a low price but high quality, it is always a bargain for people who know how comfortable they are for walking.

So when next you are asked “Are espadrilles good for walking”?

You will be well-equipped to give them a befitting response without batting an eyelid.

Is it hard to walk on espadrille?

From the above discussions and views from users around the world, espadrilles are not hard to walk but rather easy to wear, for short, medium or long distances as well as ensuring overall comfort for your feet.

Are espadrilles good for your feet?

Except if you have an underlying problem with your leg, espadrilles will always be good for your feet, especially for light uses to places, offices, pubs or visiting your friends that require no significant pressure on your feet.

However, for a person with leg-related issues, or is always advisable to consult a medical personnel to get the best advice that will help you make the right choice.

How to make them comfortable

To make your Espradilles comfortable if they aren’t due to some special factors, you need to do the following things:

Break them in

If you find out your Espadrilles are not comfortable for you either as a result of having a tight pair due to improper sizing.

You need to break them in by using several means like wearing them with a Sox to help them expand a bit more, get a shoe stretcher perfect for the shoe, take it to a professional cobbler or return it to the store and pick the right size.

Stuff with a towel,  rag or newspaper

Another means of making your Espadrilles more comfortable for your feet is to stuff them with either a towel, rag, or newspaper and keep them for some time which will help in making the shoes more accommodating and expand them appropriately to your desired taste.

Get the right size

Another means of making espadrilles comfortable for you is to choose the right size.

Choosing a size higher or lower will have motivation on your overall comfort and experience with the shoes which will not be positive.

By getting the right size, you help prevent yourself from discomfort and all sorts of future inconveniences.

10 most comfortable espadrilles for walking

1. Vionic

2. Dr Scholls

3. Alexis Leroy.

4. Dream pairs

5. Visace

6. Stuart Weitzman.

7. Tory Burch.

8. Castaner.

9. Dream Pairs.

10. Shibever.


Espadrilles are good for walking short or long distances as a result of several factors such as comfort, lightweight, style, arch support , balance , ability to breath, adaptability, ease of use as well as relative cheap purchasing price.

Are espadrilles good for walking? Yes due to several factors which makes it users favourite.

Are espadrilles good for walking? Yes due to several factors which make it users’ favourite

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