Can you dance in Mary Jane shoes? (6 Things you should Know! )

Dancing is one of the world’s most entertaining activities to do with your loved ones and friends to give you joy, happiness and relaxation. 

However, certain shoes can prevent you from dancing even if you want to because of how they are designed and the purpose of wearing them. 

This article will attempt to examine whether or not you can dance wearing Mary Jane shoes during parties,  weddings, galas, and events or not and how you can be able to enjoy your time without restrictions from your shoes

Can you dance in Mary Jane shoes? 

You can dance effortlessly wearing Mary Jane shoes at home or during events without restrictions or fear of the shoe disintegrating, falling, twisting your ankle or embarrassing yourself in front of people.

However,  just like other shoe types across the footwear industry,  it is not all Mary Jane shoes that are fit for dancing except if you are an expert or professional dancer which can take hundreds if not thousands of hours in practice. 

More specifically,  Mary Jane shoes come in different shapes, styles,  sizes and purposes.

Some are stilettos, some high heels, some are flats, some ballerinas, some platforms and lots of other designs brands have been creating to meet the yearning of Mary Jane shoe lovers across the world. 

Mary Jane shoes that are perfectly fit for dancing include ballerina flats, school shoes, platform shoes and several others produced by several shoe companies such as Clarks, and Dr Martens, among others. 

What to consider before dancing in mary jane shoes. 

Before deciding whether or not to dance in your current Mary Jane shoes you keep in your closet, you should consider the following checklists as a guide so that you will get a better understanding of whether it is a good either or the opposite. 

These checklists are as follows; 

  • Height of your Mary Jane shoe. 
  • Weight of your Mary Jane shoes. 
  • Type of event. 
  • The quality of the shoe or the dancing platform. 
  • Your dancing experience. 
  • The comfort of your feat. 
  • What you wear. 
  • How crowded is the dance floor? 
  • Will you draw attention? 
  • Reason for the dance. 
  • Ability to maintain balance. 
  • Your dancing partner. ( to avoid marching on the shoe that may lead to fall on the floor)
  • Sobriety (your alcohol intake before the dance). 

Height of your Mary Jane shoe. 

The height of your Mary Jane shoes should be the first thing to consider before deciding if you can be able to dance while wearing them. 

Some Mary Jane shoes are high heels with some inches which can make dancing very difficult for an ordinary person who has low experience on the dance floor. 

If the Mary Jane shoes are inches taller than what you can use normally in your daily walks across the street, you must think twice before deciding if the dance is worth it. 

Weight of your Mary Jane shoes. 

Some Mary Jane shoes are a little bit heavier than a normal flat shoe due to several reasons such as the weight of the sole, materials used in production and the brand that makes them. 

Dancing with a shoe that weighs above average will make you tired easily and prevent you from performing your dance steps as effectively as you intend to. 

It will also likely negatively on your performance if you are dancing in a competitive arena. 

Check the shoe appropriately to know if they are not weighty enough to cause you discomfort. 

Type of event. 

The event you intend to dance in should also be taken into consideration when making your Mary Jane shoes dancing decisions. 

Knowing the type of event you will dance in will determine the type of Mary Jane shoes that is suitable for you to carry along to the venue. 

The event can be a birthday party, wedding,  gala, award night, get-together,  school reunion or some other specific event.

Choose Mary Jane shoes that will make you appear more fashionable while at the same time giving you the right comfort when you want to dance during the event. 

Good and Reliable Mary Jane shoes can serve as a confidence booster which will accelerate your self-esteem, happiness and overall joy during and after the event. 

The quality of the shoe or the dancing platform. 

No matter the quality and reliability of your Mary Jane shoes, if the platform you will be dancing on is not good, you will have to either shelve back your dancing plans or go ahead with adequate precautions. 

I remember a few years ago when I and My friends went to a wedding event and danced with the hosts. Midway into the dance,  the sole of the shoe broke and she fall heavily on the dance floor which almost brought the entire event to a standstill and cause some other people to leave the venue in a hurry. 

Your dancing experience.

Are you an experienced dancer? If you are, then you will have absolutely zero things to worry about except the dance floor itself and if not, you will have to encounter certain challenges that may be difficult for you to dance correctly in the Mary Jane shoes of your choice.

Your dancing expertise will come in handy when dancing while wearing Mary Jane shoes.

The comfort of your feat. 

Another significant checklist to tackle is the issue of comfortability concerning your Mary Jane shoes. 

If you know or suspect that dancing in Mary Jane shoes will destabilise the comfort of your feats,  you will have to abandon that quest because it will not be worth the effort. 

Dancing is recreational and a form of relaxation to the body physically and to the internal organs psychologically which should be safeguarded at all times. 

If your type of Mary Janes cannot give you the adequate dancing capabilities you desire, abandoned the dancing quest entirely. 

What you wear. 

The clothes you wear can either make or mar your chances of dancing with Mary Jane shoes if you failed to choose the right type of outfits for your event. 

Some outfits such as the African Ankara fabrics, Indian Saree or long-form clothes can affect your capacity to dance effortlessly.

After picking good and comfortable Mary Jane shoes for the event, choose a good outfit from your closet that will complement the shoes and give you enough room for movement on the dance floor. 

How crowded is the dance floor? 

The number of people that are expected to join in the dancing activity is also a major aspect to consider in your planning stage. 

If the dancing stage will be crowded with lots of people dancing at the same time,  wearing Mary Jane high heels or stilettos will be a bad idea. In that case,  just restrict yourself to Mary Jane shoes that are not heels or use Mary Jane flats. 

Will you draw attention? 

Some people are naturally attention seekers while others detest anything that will project them to the limelight. 

If you want to draw attention to yourself, some expensive Mary Jane shoes will do the trick while if you want to stay off the public rather,  just keep it simple,  classy and stylish. 

Reason for the dance. 

What is the reason for your decision to dance using Mary Jane shoes also matters? 

If it is a wedding and you are the bride, you will be given the floor with your groom to dance showing your happiness and gratitude to the attendees and if you are just a wedding guest you may or may not have a specific reason other than happiness. 

A bride will have to consider many options before choosing a Mary Jane wedding shoe specific to the event. 

Ability to maintain balance. 

The best and most important part of dancing with shoes particularly Mary Janes is maintaining the right balance that will help keep you steady while dancing. 

Choosing a shoe that will give you the right balance will be the game changer when choosing which shoe to go with. 

Your dancing partner.

 To avoid marching on their shoe which may lead to falling on the floor or pain from the impact. 

Consider the person you are going to dance with when choosing the right shoe to dance in.  

If you are dancing with your Groom, boyfriend, partner, friend, brother, colleague or Father, make sure that the shoe is the right one for the benefit of both you and the person. 

Sobriety (your alcohol intake before the dance). 

If you are going to drink alcohol in the event before going to the dance floor,  you should get Mary Jane shoes that have absolute balance and avoid high heels which can make you lose balance when drunk in other to avoid the likely hood of discomfort and injury. 

How to choose Mary Mane shoes suitable for dancing. 

Choosing a suitable Mary Janes for dancing requires a significant amount of attention to detail, credible information for making informed decisions, some amount of money budgeted and knowing exactly what you want. 

The following is what you need to know before choosing a suitable Mary Jane for dancing. They are; 

  • Balance. 
  • Price. 
  • Quality. 
  • Reviews. 


Can the shoe give you the right balance you need for walking, resting and dancing when you need to use the shoes?  If your answer is satisfactory,  then you should move to the next stage. 


What is the highest amount you intend to spend on buying that particular shoe? 

Is it within your economic purchasing power or you will need to plan for more time before you can buy it? 

Always buy a shoe that is within your financial means so that you will not end up disoriented. 


Is the shoe you want to buy of very good quality? It is always not pleasing to spend money on shoes which end up not lasting up to the right expectations. 


What are people who buy the shoe saying about them? 

If customers are giving the shoes a genuine review saying their experiences with the shoes and the reviews are honest, appreciative and positive,  then you are on the right type of shoe but if it is the opposite,  it will help you in changing your decision from bad to a good one. 


From the detailed explanations in this article,  you will now be better informed that Yes!  You can dance while wearing Mary Jane shoes if you know the right shoes to go for and the type of event suitable for that shoe. 

After all Mary Jane shoes are designed in different shapes with some being specifically for dancing such as ballerina flats among others. 

So,  can you dance in Mary Jane shoes? 

Absolutely yes, you can dance wearing Mary Jane shoes even if you are a complete beginner as long as you stick to the information provided for you in this article. 


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