Can beginners wear Pointe shoes? (7 IMPORTANT tips)

Ballet pointe shoes are incredibly beautiful to ballet dancers all over the world. It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional or just beginning your own journey. 

The question most people ask is always the same, Can beginners wear pointe shoes when starting their ballet training? 

This article aims to find out the suitability of beginners using pointe shoes early in their career or they need to wait a little longer before starting it.

Can beginners wear pointe shoes?

The answer depends on the angle you are looking at it from.

Advisably, it is not suitable for a beginner to start using pointe shoes early in his or her ballet career because it is not safe to do so except in a few very rare and exceptional cases.

A beginner should channel more of his or her energy towards catering for the basics of ballet and gain an understanding of key elements that can help in getting a clear view of how everything works in the ballet industry from the instructors, codes and conducts, teamwork and uniform.

A ballet beginner should not go near pointe shoes until he or she attained at least 13 years and above or when she develops strong muscles and bones that will prevent them from getting injuries by going on pointe.

To understand better why a beginner should not start using pointe shoes early, let us examine below the following reasons:

Reserved for experienced ballet dancers.

Pointe shoes are solely reserved for experienced ballerinas who have been training for at least a minimum of 3 years in ballet.

A professional ballet dancer has undergone all the necessary training and developed strong body systems that will help him or her to avoid getting injuries as a result of using pointe shoes whether temporary or permanent damage which is not the same as that of a beginner just starting on a ballet journey.

The complex nature of dancing on pointe shoes makes it paramount for only those with proper ballet experience to engage in it for training, rehearsal or actual choreographic performance.

To avoid injuries.

Another factor that prevents a beginner from using pointe shoes is the fear of mild or severe injury in the course of using them without requisite training or permission from a professional instructor. 

Standing on toes by ballet dancers is not something that anyone can do without the risk of getting him or herself injured.

To prevent beginners from developing life-changing injuries capable of preventing them from normal growth or even participating in ballet activities permanently is the reason why a beginner should not use pointe ballet shoes early.

To help them get used to the basics.

Beginners need a lot of training on basic ballet moves, steps, techniques styles, and balance among others which is suitable for their journey to becoming professional ballerinas in the future.

To help a beginner master all the basic principles is a factor to prevent him or her from putting pointe shoes with little or no experience.

To safeguard their feet.

Protecting the delicate and most important body part of a ballet dancer (feet) is another reason to delay the use of pointe by a beginner to a later period after properly learning the activity.

A ballet foot is crucial to the success or failure of a ballerina to transition from a beginner to a professional pursuing a career in ballet.

If the feet get damaged or injured, mildly or severely, it will create two major problems. One is that if the injury is minor, it will prevent the ballerina from training with other beginners which will impact her performance among teammates.

Two if the injury is severe, it will permanently prevent a beginner ballet dancer from engaging in ballet forever which will cause a significant lack of fulfilment and failure to pursue and actualise that ballet dream.

It requires strength to build over the years.

Pointe shoes are not something you can pick up and start doing when you like.

Before a ballet dancer gets a chance to start dancing on pointe, strength is needed in both mental capacity and body structure, especially around the feet which will give it the flexibility to twist and turn in line with the choreographic requirements.

Requires good posture which a beginner is lacking.

Another factor that may prevent a beginner from using pointe early is the issue of mastering a good ballet posture.

A beginner ballet dancer lacks the knowledge and means of enhancing his or her posture properly which will prevent any state of discomfort.

Requires lots of preparation.

Dancing on pointe ballet shoes requires significant hours dedicated to preparation before a ballet dancer can be allowed to use the pointe shoes if the instructor is satisfied with the level of preparation and performance of individual ballerinas in a team.

A beginner who just got his or her first ballet shoes has no chance of adequate preparation needed before they will start using ballet pointe shoes.

Requires quantitative and experienced instructors.

Another factor that hinders beginner ballet dancers from using pointe shoes is the lack of adequate professional instructors that will teach and guide them on what to do, how to do and when to do it properly.

Without a good instructor willing to see a beginner develop in his or her ballet career, a beginner will not be able to start using pointe shoes even after a few years of ballet training.

Beginners are usually children.

Another factor to consider when the issue of using ballet pointe shoes by beginners is the fact that the majority of ballet dancers in the beginner category are small children whose bones and body muscles are not yet fully developed like those of adults.

Children are discouraged from using ballet pointe shoes to protect them from several issues that may negatively affect their growth and development such as the prevention of stunted growth, and fear of damage to their bone development which may temporarily or permanently be a problem among others.

Requires maturity to avoid permanent damages.

When a ballet dancer is mature, he or she will be more careful in ways and methods of avoiding injuries and damages compared to a very young ballerina who may not have the experience of exercising patience and precautions needed to safeguard herself.

Can you go on pointe without experience?

You cannot go on pointe shoes without any sort of experience as a beginner, you need to learn the basics and master them all before going for pointe shoes which are very advanced and complex.

The experience and guidance from good instructors are what a beginner needs before he or she will go fully into using ballet pointe shoes in addition to hundreds of hours of learning and practice.


A beginner, therefore, cannot go on pointe shoes very early in his or her career without undergoing the necessary training due to the following important reasons which include:

  • Reserved for experienced ballet dancers.
  • To avoid injuries.
  • To help them get used to the basics.
  • To safeguard their feet.
  • It requires strength build over the years.
  • Requires good posture which a beginner is lacking.
  • Requires lots of preparation.
  • Requires quality experienced instructors.
  • Beginners are usually children.
  • Requires maturity to avoid permanent damages.


Guide to a beginner pointe classes

5 Pointe Work Tips for Beginners 


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